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Tour Dates







It is advised that your flight be booked so that you will arrive in Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil, on Monday morning.  For most this will require a departure flight on Sunday afternoon or evening.


It is recommended that these two weeks be utilized as an opportunity for deep, inner work and retreat.  During this time, it is highly recommended that you remain in the powerful energy field of the Casa area and refrain from any excursions other than the sacred waterfall.  It is recommended that any sightseeing be enjoyed prior to coming to the Casa.


You are encouraged to spend a great amount of time in the healing energy vortex of the Casa grounds.  Enjoy the silence zone of the Casa overlook with a beautiful view of the countryside and a view of the sunset.  There are multiple benches where you can meditate, journal and read.


Day 1 - Monday:

Upon arrival at the Brasilia airport, your prearranged taxi driver will greet you (at ground transportation) holding a large sign with your name on it.  Enjoy a 1 ½ hour ride through the beautiful countryside of Brazil.  Upon arrival at your accommodation in Abidiania, meet Nancy and your fellow group participants, enjoy a leisurely day of settling in, eating and resting, and beginning your focus on your inner healing journey.


In the afternoon Nancy will give you a tour of the local shops, cafes, and money exchange facility.


Day 2 - Tuesday:

You may sleep in or awaken for the breakfast buffet.  In the morning you may join the group for a walk to the scenic hilltop overlooking the Casa.   


In the afternoon Nancy will take the group for a tour of the Casa and a formal orientation session.  Then dinner and a quiet evening, finalizing your three healing requests, before your first formal session at the Casa healing center.


Days 3-5 Wednesday-Friday:

Morning and afternoon sessions at the Casa.  This will be followed by crystal beds or filling your herbal prescription.  I will accompany the group to the Casa sessions, be of support through the processes, and offer guidance on how to maximize your benefits.


Days 6-9 Saturday-Tuesday:   

Time for personal reflection, walks, relaxing, reading, crystal beds, booking a massage or enjoying acai pudding or other delights at a local cafe.  On one of these days, Nancy will take the group to the sacred waterfall.  On some of these days, Nancy will offer group discussion, guided meditation/relaxation and a private consultation to discuss your healing experience.  


On Sunday mornings at the Casa there is an interfaith service of prayers and singing in English.  

On Tuesday morning beginning at 7am, you are welcome to volunteer at the Casa soup kitchen by cutting vegetables for the soup that is served at the end of the morning healing session.


Days 10-12 Wednesday-Friday: Like days 6-9, morning and afternoon sessions at the Casa.  Thursday or Friday evening, group session to help prepare you for your trip home and re-entry into your daily lives.


Day 12 or 13 Friday or Saturday:  Some prefer to leave on Friday while others prefer to leave on Saturday.  Depart from your pousada accommodation, taxi to the Brasilia airport (prearranged by Nancy). 


Evenings at the Casa:  The Rosary is recited in Portuguese in the main hall at the Casa.  Many people enjoy listening to the soothing rhythms and basking in the energy of the Casa during these prayers.


Week following your healing journey:  It is recommended that you have a quiet week of reintegration, minimizing engagements with others, allowing you to enjoy a renewed sense of wellbeing, continuing to process personal insight and understanding. You may contact Nancy to schedule your complementary reintegration phone session.

ONE WEEK TOUR (Recommended only for someone who finds it very difficult to be away for more time.)

Days 1-5 as above.  On day 5 reintegration group session with Nancy.

Day 6 – depart for airport.




Days 1-12 with additional week to enjoy healing journey retreat.  


Copyright © 2015  Nancy J. Pavlicek, Living Well    All Rights Reserved

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